Yoga and Kayak Experience at Jericho Beach Make the most of your summer in Vancouver



Alive & Well is an integrative personal training company that teaches our clients how to use exercise as a tool to feel great, be healthier, and live the life they want to live. We are dedicated to changing the perception of what healthy looks like by helping our clients develop a positive relationship with exercise through a fun, effective and empowering fitness experience.

Tanuja Dabir, of Saakori, is a Holistic Nutritionist, Digestion Whiz, Public Speaker and a Corporate Wellness Expert enabling stressed, on-the- go professionals: bust cravings, fix indigestion, lose weight, increase energy and transform health from the inside so that you can live your best life. She is also a mom, a dancer, community volunteer and mama to the cutest yellow lab ever!

Tanuja is on a mission to help her clients Eat Right. Feel Better and Look Good, by offering easy, practical and sustainable dietary suggestions.

Grab her FREE, 3 day sugar detox here:

She has a special offer for this event - enjoy a complementary 30 minute discovery session with Tanuja ($75 value). Please call 778.322.5670 or visit this link to redeem:

There's a surprise bonus for those attending the event!

Tasty Plants offers delicious and convenient Plant-Based Meals To Go and Products. Our mission is to support people with busy schedules by providing healthy meal alternatives that are 100% natural and free of preservatives, dairy and any animal products.